Remedial massage is the systematic assessment and treatment of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues of the body to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management. It’s performed to create favourable conditions for the body to return to normal health after injury and is defined by the premise that the treatment can reasonably reverse certain physical effects a patient may be presenting. If a patient has suffered a moderate injury resulting in structural pain and/or loss of function, then remediation is required to reduce or eliminate pain and restore that function.
Our Gladstone Massage remedial therapist have great knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to determine where to best treat you. Our therapist treatments are based on best practice principles and before any remedial massage treatment begins, a thorough patient consultation and assessment is to be performed to ascertain the patient’s current health status. If the patient is suitable for remedial massage and relying on the patient’s feedback to identify the areas that require attention, the therapist can then apply the relevant and appropriate treatment. At Gladstone Massage we use an objective goal of reducing your pain below a pain score of 4/10 on initial appointment. If our remedial massage therapists are unable to reduce the pain below a 4 out of 10, they may refer you on to the in clinic Physiotherapist to assess and assist with treatment.
Remedial massage is designed to balance muscle/soft tissue length, tension, tone which will in turn promote the return to normal joint/capsular/bone position; increase the flow of blood and lymph, particularly in the injured areas, thus removing blockages, damaged cells, scar tissue and adhesions resulting from injury. Our Gladstone Massage remedial therapists listen to you and what your unique needs are before each consult, therefore your treatment may require different massage techniques based on your unique requirement, which will be selected with your clinical examination and applied in a way that suits you.
Requirements for benefit payment of remedial massage services at Gladstone Massage will attract a Medibank (Private Health) benefit only if services are provided to patients with an eligible Medibank (Private Health) cover and by a therapist that’s recognised by Medibank (Private Health) and has a current Medibank (Private Health) provider number. Services delivered to patients with an eligible Medibank (Private Health) cover but by therapists that aren’t recognised by Medibank (Private Health) will not will not will not attract any benefit payment. Should Medibank (Private Health) investigate a provider and discover benefits have been paid for services delivered to a Medibank (Private Health) patient by a non-recognised provider, then recoveries of those monies will be sought as well as exploring what course of action will be taken to prevent future occurrences.
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